Saturday, June 2, 2012

IT'S THEIR WORLD: DW brides & grooms

What's worse than a command-performance cruise with your family?  A destination wedding where the guests are conscripted by the bride and groom, forced to join the troupe for a fortnight (or more) of choreographed happiness.

Destination weddings: the height of arrogance

How do you define hospitality?
How is it that "guests" are asked to invest 4 or 5 days of vacation and thousands of dollars frolicking with people you may not care that much about, at a proscribed destination in accommodations that may not suit you, all to be part of some couple's fantasy moment when their life as couple begins. And save them a bundle.

At the salon this morning for a new do, I heard a bride-to-be gushing about her upcoming nuptials in Mexico.

"Everything is so cheap there. We can't believe how much money we're saving!" Plus, she announced, they will score even greater savings having chosen Thursday for their big event, rather than a traditional Saturday.

"So, everyone will arrive Wednesday and stay through the weekend. It's going to be just perfect--everything we want."  

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